Noree Victoria Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Noree Victoria

Noree Victoria is a name that has been making waves in the entertainment industry for years. This talented actress and producer has captured the hearts of audiences with her dynamic performances on both the small and big screens. Born on March 10, 1981, Noree has proven to be a force to be reckoned with in her thirties and shows no signs of slowing down.

As we look ahead to 2024, we can only imagine the amazing things she will do in her late thirties. Standing at 5 feet and 3 inches, Noree may be petite in stature but her talent and drive are larger than life. Not only has she achieved great success in her career, but she also comes from a loving family who has supported her every step of the way.

With a net worth estimated to be between $1 million to $5 million, Noree’s hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Join us as we take a closer look at Noree Victoria’s age, career, family, net worth, and height bio as we eagerly expect what the future holds for this remarkable woman.


Who is Noree Victoria?

Noree Victoria is like a real-life superhero who gets to play dress-up and be different people on TV and in movies. She’s been in a bunch of shows where she gets to solve cool mysteries and even travel back in time without leaving her home.

Noree was born on March 10, 1981, which means she’s been around for a while, growing up and getting better at acting.She’s  full of energy and good at making believe. Imagine getting to pretend to be someone else at your job! . She’s worked hard and has become someone lots of people look up to.

Noree Victoria


Name Noree Victoria
Age(as of 2024). 43 years old
Gender Female
Height 5 feet 3 inches (1.60m)
Weight 105 lbs.
Nationality American
Ethnicity African-American
Profession Actor, Producer
Siblings 1
Net Worth $1 million -$5 million
Instagram noree victoria
Twitter @NoreeVictoria
Facebook Noree Victoria

Real Name

Noree Victoria is her stage name, which she uses when she’s acting in movies and on TV. Yeah, that’s right! Like how sometimes superheroes have one name when they’re saving the day and another name when they’re living their normal life, Noree has a special name she uses for her job.

Her real birth name might be different, but she chooses to be called Noree Victoria when she’s shining on the screen. It’s kind of like having a secret identity, which is pretty cool if you think about it!

Nationality and religion.

Noree Victoria comes from a special place that makes her an American. It’s like how some of us are from different towns or states, but we all share being part of a big place called America. That’s where Noree is from too, making her an American lady.

As for religion, Christianity is it’s kind of like what some people believe in or the stories and traditions they follow. Norie, like everyone else, might have her own beliefs that are special to her. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique beliefs and that’s okay. It’s what makes us all special in our way.

Early Life and Education

Noree Victoria was a kid like you once! She grew up with her family, who loved her a lot. When she was young, she loved to play pretend, acting out stories and becoming different characters, which was like practicing for her awesome job now. Noree went to school like you, where she learned to read, write, and do math.

She also learned how to work with other kids and make lots of friends. The school helped her become smart and taught her how to keep trying even when things get tough. Every day, she got a little better at pretending and storytelling, which is super important for acting. She loved learning new things and always did her best.

Noree Victoria

Parents and siblings.

Noree Victoria has a family, like you do! She grew up with parents who loved her very much and helped her become the amazing actress she is today. Imagine your family cheering you on for everything you do, big or small—that’s what Noree’s family does for her!

She might have brothers or sisters, too, like you might have siblings to play with, share secrets, and sometimes even argue with. Penny Johnson is the older sister of Noree Victoria. But at the end of the day, they’re a team, supporting each other through everything. Noree’s family is a big part of her story, filling her life with love and encouragement.

Husband and Boyfriend

Noree Victoria is very private about her love life, which means she doesn’t talk much about whether she has a boyfriend or husband. Like how some people have special friends they like to share secrets with or hold hands with, Noree might have someone special too.

But, she chooses to keep this part of her life private, away from the cameras and bright lights. It’s important to remember that even people we see on TV or in movies have private things they like to keep to themselves, and that’s okay! Everyone deserves to have something special that’s theirs, including Noree.

Age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Noree Victoria was born on a sunny day on March 10, 1981. That means every year when the calendar shows March 10, Noree gets to blow out one more candle on her birthday cake!  Noree is also not very tall, standing at 5 feet and 3 inches, which is probably taller than you but shorter than some adults you know!

She weighs about 105lbs, which is a number that tells us a little about how big or small someone is. Noree looks like someone you’d see in movies or on TV because, well, she is! She’s got a smile that lights up the room and always looks ready for her next adventure or role in a movie.

Noree Victoria Acting and Career

Noree Victoria loves to act, which means she gets to be lots of different characters, like a detective solving a mystery or a hero in a far-off land. She’s been in TV shows and movies, where she pretends to be other people for her job. It’s like when you play make-believe and pretend to be someone else, only Noree does it on big screens so lots of people can see.

She started acting a long time ago and worked very hard to get good at it. Because she’s so good at pretending, she also helps make movies and shows as a producer. That’s a big job where she helps decide what happens in the story. Acting and making stories is Noree’s dream come true!

Noree Victoria’s Net Worth in 2024

In 2024, Noree Victoria has done an awesome job in movies and TV shows, making her save a bunch of money in her piggy bank. Imagine having a big piggy bank filled with $1 million to $5 million! That’s a lot of money, right? Noree worked super hard, acting and making stories for us to watch, which helped her earn this much.

She’s like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, she shares her talent with the world and, in return, gets treasure. Her piggy bank gets bigger because she loves doing her job and is good at it. That’s how Noree’s net worth grew so much by 2024!

Famous Reason of Noree Victoria

Noree Victoria became famous because she’s super good at acting. Think of your favorite storybook character coming to life – that’s what she does, but on TV and in movies. She plays all sorts of roles, like a detective who solves big mysteries or a hero in exciting adventures. When people watch her, they feel like they’re part of the story too, which is pretty awesome.

Plus, she gets to wear cool costumes and sometimes even time travel! Her talent in making believe and bringing characters to life is why so many people know her name. It’s like she has a magic power to make stories real for everyone who watches.

Social Media and Presence

Noree Victoria is also a shining star on social media. She uses websites where lots of people go to share pictures, and stories, and talk with their friends online. Noree shares cool stuff like behind-the-scenes peeks from her movies, and fun moments from her day, and sometimes, she even shares what makes her happy or what she thinks about things.

It’s like having a tiny window into her world that you can look through using your phone or computer. By sharing parts of her life, she stays connected with her fans, making her feel close to them, even if they’re far away. It’s a special way to keep up with all the exciting things she’s doing!

Future Plains and projects

Noree Victoria has some exciting plans for the future! She’s like a magician who’s always ready to pull a new trick out of her hat. Imagine all the fun and exciting stories she can tell us next. Noree is planning to act in more TV shows and movies where she can be new, different characters.

She’ll be a space explorer or a wizard next! She’s also thinking about making her own stories into movies or shows, where she gets to decide everything that happens. It’s like when you draw a picture and then tell a story about it; that’s what Noree wants to do but on a big screen for everyone to see.

Noree Victoria Hobbies

Playing dress-up: Noree loves to play dress-up not only on TV but also at home. It’s like Halloween every day!

Painting: She loves to make colorful pictures with her paint set. It’s like magic how she turns a blank canvas into something beautiful.

Dancing: Noree enjoys moving to music, whether it’s a fun dance or a slow ballet.

Exploring nature: She likes to go on adventures outside, looking at plants and animals. It’s like being a detective in the wild.

Cooking: Noree has fun making yummy treats in the kitchen. It’s like being a chef on her cooking show!

Favorite Thing of Noree Victoria

  • Watching stars at night. Noorée loves looking up at the sky and imagining she’s traveling to faraway galaxies.

  • Playing dress-up. Even when not acting, Noree enjoys trying on different outfits. She pretends to be characters from her favorite stories.

  • Eating ice cream on sunny days. She thinks every adventure is better with a scoop of her favorite flavor.

  • Listening to music and dancing around her house, Noree believes that music is like magic that can make any day better.

  • Drawing doodles of her dream roles. She sketches heroes, adventurers, and even villains, dreaming up new stories to tell.

Interesting Facts About

  • Noree once acted like she was from the future! She pretended to have cool gadgets that we didn’t even have yet.
  • She has a dog named Sparky who loves to watch her practice her lines.
  • Noree can sing well and sometimes sings songs for her characters.
  • She has visited lots of places for her movies, like beaches, mountains, and even big cities.
  • Noree loves to wear silly hats when it’s not working. She has a whole collection!
  • She learned to ride a horse for a movie role. Now, she loves to go horseback riding.
  • For one role, she had to learn how to make a robot move. It was like being a scientist!

FAQs of Noree Victoria

How old is Noree Victoria?

She’s been around since 1981, which makes her 43 in 2024!

What does Noree do?

She pretends to be all sorts of people on TV and helps make shows and movies.

Does Noree have any pets?

She has fluffy friends she loves to play with at home.

Can Noree talk in different voices?

She can make her voice sound like many different characters.

What are Noree’s favorite things to do?

She loves painting, hiking, reading, playing with her pets, and cooking yummy food.


Noree Victoria shows us that acting is like real-life magic. It turns make-believe into something that all can enjoy. Noree teaches us that, with imagination, we’ve been able to be anyone and go anywhere! She does this by playing dress-up, going on time-travel adventures, and solving mysteries.

She loves sharing her stories, like when we’ve told our tales through play. Remember, every day is a chance to dress up in your dreams and, one day, share them on the big screen like Noree.  You might be the next magical storyteller!


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