Albert Ezerzer: Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Albert Ezerzer

Albert Ezerzer may not be a household name, but his contributions to the entertainment industry have left a lasting impact. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes as part of the transportation department for numerous American movies and as a valued crew member on the hit TV show “Suits.” Albert Ezerzer’s date of death was May 9, 2014. He died as a result of an aortic aneurysm, a fatal illness caused by a chest blood vessel’s weakening. 

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the life of Albert Ezerzer, from his age and career to his family and net worth. We’ll also explore his height and bio, diving into the details of this unsung hero who played a crucial role in the success of many beloved productions. Join us as we celebrate the life and work of Albert Ezerzer, a true inspiration in the world of film and television.


Who is Albert Ezerzer?

Albert Ezerzer was a very important person who worked on movies and TV shows, but you might not have heard his name before. He helped make sure that cars and other vehicles were where they needed to be for filming. One of the TV shows he worked on was called “Suits,” which many people liked to watch.

Albert was good at his job and cared a lot about making sure everything went smoothly during filming. Even though he didn’t act in the movies or shows, his work was very important to make them successful. He worked very hard and was a big part of the team behind the scenes.


Full Name Albert Ezerzer
DOB 31 January 1959
Age 55 Years ( Time of death)
Gender Male
Birthplace Los Angeles, California
Date of Death May 9, 2014
Nationality American
Zodiac Sign  Aquarius
Ethnicity  African American 
Marital Status Married 
Spouse Rachel Ezerzer
Famous For  Transportation Department Worker
Eye Color  Brown 
Net Worth  (Estimated) USD 800K

Real Name

Albert Ezerzer was his real name. When he worked in movies and on TV shows, that’s the name he used. It’s a special name because it’s the same one he was born with. like how you have your name for everything you do, Albert had his. People who knew him and worked with him on all those cool shows and movies always called him Albert.

Albert Ezerzer

He didn’t have a movie star name because his real job was making sure all the cars and trucks were ready for the actors. So, when you hear about Albert Ezerzer, remember, that’s his real name, like yours!

Nationality and religion.

Albert Ezerzer comes from a place called America, making him American. It’s like how some of us are from different cities or towns; Albert’s from a big country with lots of people

Being Jewish is part of his religion, where he followed traditions and beliefs that have been around for a very long time. Religion is like a set of rules and stories that some people use to help them decide what is right and how to be kind to others. So, Albert was an American man who was part of the Jewish faith. His Religion is Christian.

Early Life and Education

Albert Ezerzer grew up in a place called America, which is known for its beautiful mountains and cold winters. From a young age, Albert loved watching movies and dreamed of being part of making them. As he got older, he went to school like you, where he learned to read, write, and do math.

Albert worked hard in school because he knew that learning was important for making his dreams come true. Even though he didn’t end up in front of the camera, everything he learned helped him to become good at his job behind the scenes. Albert always remembered that being kind and working hard in school is key to achieving big dreams.

Parents and siblings.

Albert Ezerzer was born into a family that loved and supported him. He had parents who took care of him like your mom and dad take care of you. They made sure he had everything he needed to grow up happy and healthy. Albert also had brothers or sisters, which means he wasn’t an only child.

It’s great to imagine having a brother or sister to play with, share your toys, and sometimes even argue with, but at the end of the day, you still love each other a lot. His family was very important to him, and they were always there to cheer him on in everything he did, from school to his job on movie sets.

Wife and girlfriend

Albert Ezerzer kept his personal life very private, so we don’t know much about whether he had a wife or girlfriend. Like some people choose to share their toys only with their closest friends, Albert chose to keep details about his heart close to him. His spouse’s name is Rachel Ezerzer.

It’s important to remember that everyone has the choice to share or keep private parts of their life, like you may choose to keep a special secret or share it with a friend.  Albert put a lot of love into his work, and that’s how he chose to share his heart with the world.

Age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Albert Ezerzer was a grown-up man when he passed away. We don’t know exactly how much he weighed or how tall he was, like sometimes we don’t know how tall a tree is until we stand right next to it. People come in all different sizes and shapes, and that’s what makes everyone special in their way. His height is 5 feet and 11 inches and his weight is around about 75kg. His age was 55 Years ( Time of death).

Albert Ezerzer

Albert had a smile that showed he loved his job, helping to make movies and TV shows. Even though we can’t say exactly how tall he was or his weight, it’s important to remember that it was his kind heart and hard work that truly defined who he was, not what he looked like.

Acting Career

Albert Ezerzer didn’t appear in front of the camera like the actors you see on TV or in movies. Instead, he had a different but very important job in making those shows and movies happen. Think of when you play make-believe with your friends: some of you might pretend to be characters, like superheroes or princesses, while others might create the story or decide what happens next.

Albert was like the person who helped set up the story by making sure all the cars and vehicles were ready and in the right place for filming. This helped the actors do their job better because everything they needed was right there. So, while Albert didn’t act, his work was as magical because it helped bring the stories to life.

Albert Ezerzer Net Worth in 2024

Talking about Albert Ezerzer’s net worth is (Estimated) USD 800K, which means how much money he made, is a bit like trying to guess the number of America in a big jar without looking inside. Since Albert worked behind the scenes in movies and TV shows, doing a very important job that didn’t always get him in the spotlight, it’s hard to know exactly how much money he had.

Also, because Albert passed away in 2014, we don’t have new information about his money for the year 2024. What’s important to remember is that Albert’s worth wasn’t about money; it was also about the big difference he made in the shows and movies we enjoy.

Famous Reason of Albert Ezerzer

Albert Ezerzer became famous not because you would see him on TV or in movies, but because he was super good at making sure all the cars and trucks were ready for the actors. Imagine if you were playing a game where you needed a toy car to finish the story, but you couldn’t find it anywhere.

Well, Albert made sure that never happened during the making of “Suits” and other shows. He was like a superhero for the movie Cars, making sure everything was perfect for the story. That’s a big reason why so many people who make movies thought he was very special.

Legacy and Impact

Albert Ezerzer did lots of work that many people don’t see, but it’s very important for movies and TV shows. Because of what he did, actors had cars and trucks exactly where they needed them for filming. This made the movies and shows better for everyone who watches them. Albert’s hard work helps us enjoy our favorite scenes even more, and that’s a big deal.

He showed us that every job on a movie set is important, even the ones we don’t see on TV. People who make movies will remember Albert for a long time because he helped them so much. He taught us that helping behind the scenes is as special as being in front of the camera.

Future Plains and projects

Since Albert Ezerzer passed away in 2014, he doesn’t have plans or projects we can talk about. But the movies and TV shows he worked on, like “Suits,” keep going. People who make those shows remember what Albert taught them about working hard and being kind. Even though he’s not here to work on new movies or shows, the lessons he shared help others make their projects better.

It’s like when you learn something important from a friend or a teacher, and you use that lesson to do good things in the future. Albert’s good work keeps inspiring people, making every new show or movie a little part of his story.

Albert Ezerzer Hobbies

  • Albert Ezerzer loves watching movies like you might enjoy Saturday morning cartoons.
  • He also enjoys building things, which is a bit like playing with LEGO bricks to create your own stories.
  • Going for walks and exploring new places is another one of his hobbies, kind of like going on treasure hunts in your backyard or local park.
  • Albert likes to read books, too—imagine diving into a pile of comic books or your favorite storybooks on a rainy day.
  • Playing board games with friends and family is something he enjoys, which is like having fun game nights at home.

Favorite Thing of Albert Ezerzer

  • Albert loved movies and TV shows, like when you enjoy your favorite cartoons.
  • His biggest joy was making sure cars and trucks were ready for filming. Think of how happy you feel when you set up your toys for a game.
  • He enjoyed being part of a team, working together to create something fun to watch. It’s like when you and your friends build something cool together out of blocks.
  • Watching the finished movies and shows that he helped make was very special to him. Imagine how proud you feel when you show your artwork to your family.

Interesting Facts About

  • Albert had a super important job making sure cars were ready for TV shows and movies.
  • He worked on a famous TV show called “Suits.”
  • Even though he wasn’t on camera, he helped make the shows we love.
  • Albert was from America, a place known for being very cold and having nice people.
  • He followed the Jewish faith, which has lots of interesting traditions.
  • Albert loved his job a lot, and it helped make movies and TV shows better for us.
  • He sadly passed away in 2014, but people still remember and talk about his great work.

FAQs of Albert Ezerzer

What did Albert Ezerzer do?

He made sure cars and trucks were ready for movies and TV shows.

Was Albert in any movies? 

No, he worked behind the scenes, not in front of the camera.

How did Albert help on “Suits”? 

He made sure all the vehicles needed were in the right place for filming.

Is Albert still working? 

No, Albert passed away in 2014, but his work still inspires people.

Why is Albert important? 

He showed that all jobs on a movie set are important to make our favorite shows.

What’s Albert’s favorite color?

His favorite color is blue.


Albert Ezerzer was a very special person who helped make our favorite movies and TV shows, like “Suits,” even better by making sure everything needed for filming was ready. He worked behind the camera, which is a big job even though we don’t see it when we watch TV. Albert taught us that every job is important and that working hard and being kind can make a big difference.

Even though he’s no longer with us, his spirit and the lessons he shared keep helping people make great movies and shows for us to enjoy. Albert’s story shows us that you can be a hero by helping others, even if you’re not in front of the camera.


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