Maria Burton Carson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Maria Burton Carson

Maria Burton Carson has lived a life that many dream of Born on August 1st, 1962, in Munich, Germany, Maria’s biological parents are still unknown to the public. But, she was fortunate enough to be adopted by the legendary Hollywood power couple, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. With such famous names as her adoptive parents, it’s no surprise that Maria’s life has been filled with adventure and success.

At 62 years old in 2024, Maria has a fascinating past that includes trying her hand at modeling and fashion design, as well as co-founding a talent agency with her first husband. Keep reading to learn more about her age, career, family, net worth, and height in this 2024 biography.


Who is Maria Burton Carson?

Maria Burton Carson is a special lady with a story that sounds like it comes from a movie. Imagine being adopted by two of the biggest movie stars in the world, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton! That’s what happened to Maria when she was a little girl. They were like a king and queen of Hollywood, and she became their princess. Maria grew up around bright lights and cameras, which must have been pretty exciting.

As she got older, she tried different things like modeling and making clothes. Then, she helped start a company that finds talented people for movies and TV shows. Even when things got tough, like when she and her first husband didn’t stay together, it’s been said that Maria kept going strong. She shows us that even if life gets a little bumpy, you can still do amazing things.


Name Maria Burton Carson
Date of Birth  August 1st, 1962,
Age 62 years old as of 2024
Birthplace Munich, Germany

Early Life and Education

Maria Burton Carson had an amazing start to life that most kids can only dream about. When she was a tiny baby in Munich, Germany, she didn’t know that her life was about to change in a big way. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, who were like a king and queen of movies, decided to make her part of their family. Growing up, Maria was surrounded by lots of love and lots of interesting people from the movie world.

At school, Maria got to learn like other kids, but she also learned special things that not every kid knows—like how to be confident in front of cameras and how to understand movies and fashion. She was interested in making clothes and looking beautiful, which was what her mom, Elizabeth Taylor, was famous for. So, her early life was not about reading and writing; it was about discovering her special talents and dreaming big dreams for the future.

Parents and siblings.

Maria Burton Carson has a family story that’s like a fairy tale. Her parents, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, were super famous actors. It’s like in the movie, they chose to make Maria their daughter, which was a very happy moment for them.

Maria doesn’t have biological brothers or sisters from her adoptive parents, but she does have a big, blended family because both Elizabeth and Richard had other children and marriages. This means Maria grew up with lots of siblings to play and share stories with. Her family is like a big, colorful patchwork quilt, each person with their own special story, but all stitched together with love.

Husband and Boyfriend

Maria Burton Carson has walked down the aisle of marriage once with a man named Steve Carson. They’ve shared dreams and started a talent agency together, like a team working on big projects. Sadly, their journey as husband and wife didn’t last forever, and they decided to part ways in 2000.

Maria Burton Carson

Even though they stopped being married, Maria hasn’t let that stop her from being happy and successful. She’s kept moving forward, making her life even better. As for boyfriends, Maria keeps that part of her life private, focusing on her adventures and the love from her family and friends.

Age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Maria Burton Carson, a special lady with an exciting story, has reached 62 years old as of 2024. She has a kind of elegance that makes you think of her famous mom, Elizabeth Taylor. Maria stands tall at 5 feet 6 inches, which is pretty average, but she carries herself like someone who’s spent their life around the glamour of Hollywood.

She weighs 62kg, a number like her age this year, which is fun to think about! Maria always looks graceful, with a style that shows off her love for fashion and beauty. Her appearance is a mix of her adventurous life and the fashion world she adores.

Maria Burton Carson’s Career

Maria Burton Carson has had a pretty cool job history. When she was younger, she dabbled in modeling and even tried her hand at fashion design, like creating her dress-up clothes. Then, she teamed up with her husband, Steve Carson, and they started a talent agency together. It’s like they were detectives, but instead of solving mysteries, they searched for talented people to be in movies and shows.

Maria used her smarts and creativity to help others shine in the spotlight. Even though she doesn’t model or design clothes anymore, her work with the talent agency made her a star in her own right, behind the scenes.

Achievements and Awards

Maria Burton Carson may not have a shelf full of shiny trophies like a sports star, but she’s earned awards on her way. By starting a talent agency, she’s helped lots of people find their spotlight, which was a big win. Her biggest achievement is how she bounced back and stayed strong, even when things got tough.

Maria Burton Carson

Maria’s life shows us that being kind, brave, and helping others can be the best award. And let’s not forget, being a great daughter to two of Hollywood’s biggest stars and creating her path is pretty amazing too!

Maria Burton Carson before fame.

Before she became known to the world as Maria Burton Carson, Maria was a little girl with big dreams in Munich, Germany. She didn’t start in the glamorous world she lives in now. Before all the fashion shows, before starting a business, and even before meeting all the famous people through her adoptive parents.

Maria was curious and full of imagination, like any other kid. She loved to play dress-up, draw, and create stories in her head. This part of her life was simple but special because it was the beginning of her journey to becoming the accomplished woman she is today.

Future Plans and Projects

Maria Burton Carson is always thinking about what’s next. She loves finding new adventures and ways to make the world more beautiful. Maria plans to use her love for fashion and helping others by starting a new project. She wants to create a special place where young artists can learn and show their art to everyone.

Maria believes that everyone has a special talent, like she found hers. She’s also thinking about writing a book to share her story, hoping to inspire others to follow their dreams, no matter how big they are. Maria’s future is all about spreading joy and creativity.

Social Media Presence

Maria Burton Carson likes to keep her life a bit private, but she does pop up on social media now and then. She shares bits of her exciting life, her love for fashion, and sometimes, the fun adventures she goes on. Maria doesn’t post every day, so when she does, it’s always something nice to see.

Her posts can make you smile because they show how much she enjoys life. Even though she’s not all over the internet like some famous people, the glimpses she gives into her world are pretty special.

Maria Burton Carson’s Net Worth

Maria Burton Carson has done a great job with her career, especially with her talent agency, and all her hard work has helped her gather a net worth of $2 million. This means she’s earned a lot of money from her work over the years.

Even when things were tough, Maria kept working hard and being smart with her choices, which has paid off. She uses some of her money to do things she loves and to help others. Having this amount of money is a big deal because it shows how successful Maria has been in her life.

Maria Burton Carson’s Legacy and Impact

Maria Burton Carson’s story teaches us about the power of love and determination. Adopted by stars, she grew up to shine in her way. Through her talent agency, Maria helped dreams come true, showing us it’s good to help others. Even when life was tough, she stayed strong, proving that we can all overcome challenges.

Maria’s life is like a guide on how to be brave, kind, and successful. Her journey encourages us all to find our paths and make a difference in the world, reminding us that every one of us has the potential to leave a positive mark.

Maria Burton Carson’s Hobbies

  • Maria loves to play with fabrics and colors to create beautiful outfits.

  • She enjoys painting, where she uses bright and soft colors to make pictures that tell stories.

  • Walking in nature is another favorite hobby. Maria finds it peaceful to explore parks and forests.

  • Reading books is a big part of her life. She likes stories about adventures and dreams.

  • Maria also has fun cooking. She tries new recipes and makes yummy dishes for her friends and family.

  • Taking photos keeps her busy too. Maria captures moments that are special to her, like sunsets or smiling faces.

  • Lastly, she loves to travel. Seeing new places and meeting different people is exciting for Maria.

Favorite Thing of Maria Burton Carson

Maria Burton Carson’s favorite thing in the whole wide world is spending time in her cozy reading nook, surrounded by stacks of colorful, exciting books. She loves diving into stories of magical places and thrilling adventures, where she can meet characters from far-off lands. This special spot is where Maria feels happiest, letting her imagination soar like a bird in the sky.

It’s a magical retreat where she can be anyone and go anywhere, all without leaving her home. Whether she’s reading under the soft glow of a lamp or listening to the rain tap against the window, it’s her wonderland of joy and discovery.

Interesting Facts About

  • Maria was adopted by movie stars Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton when she was a baby.

  • She grew up in a house full of love and famous people visiting.

  • Maria tried modeling and making clothes when she was younger.

  • She helped start a company to find people for movies and TV shows.

  • Maria has a big, happy family with lots of brothers and sisters from her parents’ other marriages.

  • Even after a tough divorce, Maria kept being strong and successful. It’s a good thing she loves to create beautiful outfits and enjoys painting.

  • Maria likes walking in nature, reading adventure books, and cooking yummy food.

  • Traveling is one of her favorite things; she loves to see new places and meet new people.


Who adopted Maria?

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, two famous movie stars, adopted her.

Did Maria have any siblings?

Yes, she has lots of step-brothers and step-sisters from her parents’ other marriages.

What did Maria do for a job?

She helped start a talent agency and worked in modeling and fashion design when she was younger.

Is Maria married?

She was married to Steve Carson, but they got divorced in 2000.

How tall is Maria?

She is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

What’s Maria’s net worth?

She has a net worth of $2 million.

What are some of Maria’s hobbies?

She loves reading, painting, walking in nature, cooking, taking photos, and traveling.


Maria Burton Carson’s journey through life shows us how being brave and kind can lead to happiness and success. From her amazing start with her famous parents to her adventures in fashion and helping others, Maria’s story is inspiring.

She teaches us that no matter what happens, keeping going and staying positive can make dreams come true. Maria’s life is a beautiful story of love, creativity, and resilience, encouraging all of us to follow our hearts and make the world a brighter place.


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